AirPods Mic Not Working Windows 10: Troubleshooting Tips

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If your AirPods mic is not working on Windows 10, it could be due to dirt in the microphone holes, incorrect settings, or minor bugs. To fix this, you can try cleaning the microphone holes, adjusting the settings of your AirPods, or updating your Bluetooth driver.

Additionally, you can try using the left or right AirPod as the mic, or check if the mic is turned off in the Noise Cancellation settings. By following these steps, you should be able to resolve the issue and have your AirPods mic working properly on Windows 10.

1. Check Audio Settings On Windows 10

If you’re facing issues with your AirPods microphone not working on Windows 10, there are a few steps you can take to troubleshoot and fix the problem. The first step is to check the audio settings on your Windows 10 device to ensure everything is properly configured.

Ensure Microphone Privacy Settings are Enabled

One common reason for the AirPods microphone not working on Windows 10 is privacy settings that restrict microphone access. To resolve this issue, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the Start menu and select “Settings”.
  2. In the Settings window, click on “Privacy”.
  3. On the left pane, click on “Microphone”.
  4. Make sure that the option “Allow apps to access your microphone” is turned on.
  5. Scroll down and ensure that the toggle switch for “Microsoft Store apps” is also turned on.

Set AirPods as the Default Microphone

Another reason for the AirPods microphone not working on Windows 10 could be that they are not set as the default microphone. Follow these steps to set AirPods as the default microphone:

  1. Right-click on the volume icon in the taskbar and select “Open Sound settings”.
  2. In the Sound settings window, scroll down to the “Input” section.
  3. Under the “Choose your input device” dropdown, select your AirPods.
  4. Click on the “Device properties” link below the dropdown.
  5. In the device properties window, go to the “Additional device properties” section.
  6. Click on the “Levels” tab.
  7. Ensure that the microphone volume is turned up and not muted.

Once you have completed these steps, your AirPods should be properly configured as the default microphone on your Windows 10 device. If the issue persists, you can try restarting your device or reconnecting your AirPods to see if that resolves the problem.

By following these troubleshooting steps, you should be able to fix the issue of AirPods microphone not working on Windows 10 and enjoy a seamless audio experience on your device.

2. Update Bluetooth Drivers

When it comes to troubleshooting issues with AirPods microphone not working on Windows 10, one of the most effective solutions is to update the Bluetooth drivers. Outdated or broken Bluetooth drivers can often cause problems with the microphone functionality, making it essential to keep them up to date. In this section, we will explore two crucial steps to update Bluetooth drivers on Windows 10 and resolve the microphone issue with AirPods.

Use Device Manager to Update Bluetooth Drivers

The Device Manager is a built-in Windows tool that allows users to manage and update hardware drivers, including Bluetooth drivers. To update Bluetooth drivers using the Device Manager:

  1. Press the Windows key + X on your keyboard to open the Power User menu.
  2. Select Device Manager from the list to open the Device Manager window.
  3. In the Device Manager window, find and expand the Bluetooth category.
  4. Right-click on your Bluetooth device and select Update driver from the context menu.
  5. Choose the option to Search automatically for updated driver software.
  6. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the driver update process.
  7. Once the update is finished, restart your computer.

Restart the Computer after Updating Drivers

After updating the Bluetooth drivers, it is essential to restart the computer to ensure that the changes take effect. Restarting the computer helps in refreshing the system, allowing the updated drivers to properly communicate with the hardware.

To restart your Windows 10 computer, simply click on the Start button and select Restart from the power options menu. Alternatively, you can press the Windows key + X on your keyboard, choose Shut down or sign out, and select Restart.

Once the computer restarts, check if the AirPods microphone is now working properly in Windows 10. If the issue persists, you may need to explore other troubleshooting options or seek professional assistance.

Updating the Bluetooth drivers using the Device Manager and restarting the computer are effective steps to resolve AirPods microphone issues on Windows 10. By keeping the drivers updated, you ensure compatibility and optimal performance, enabling a seamless experience with your AirPods.

3. Clean Airpods Microphone

If your AirPods microphone is not working properly on your Windows 10 PC, one possible reason could be dirt or debris blocking the microphone holes. Over time, these tiny openings can accumulate dust, lint, or other particles, which can interfere with the microphone’s functionality. Fortunately, cleaning the microphone is a simple and effective solution that can help restore its proper performance.

Remove Dirt or Debris from Microphone Holes

To start cleaning your AirPods microphone, follow these steps:

  1. Make sure your AirPods are disconnected from any device.
  2. Inspect the microphone holes located on the bottom part of each AirPod. These are usually small, circular openings.
  3. If you notice any visible dirt or debris, gently remove it using a clean, soft-bristled brush. Make sure not to apply too much pressure to avoid damaging the microphone or other components.

It’s crucial to be thorough and meticulous during this process to ensure complete removal of any obstructions. Even the tiniest particles can have a significant impact on the microphone’s performance.

Use a Soft Brush or Compressed Air to Clean

If a soft-bristled brush isn’t available, you can also use compressed air specifically designed for electronics. Here’s how:

  1. Hold your AirPods securely, making sure they don’t slip out of your hands.
  2. Using short, gentle bursts, direct the compressed air towards the microphone holes. Keep a safe distance to avoid applying excessive force.
  3. Move the nozzle of the compressed air canister around the microphone holes, ensuring that you cover the entire area.
  4. Repeat this process on both AirPods until you’re satisfied that the microphone is clean.

Once you’ve completed the cleaning process, reconnect your AirPods to your Windows 10 PC and test the microphone. In most cases, this simple maintenance procedure can effectively resolve microphone-related issues.

Remember, keeping your AirPods clean and free from debris is essential for optimal performance. Regular maintenance, including cleaning the microphone, can help ensure that your AirPods function flawlessly and provide crystal-clear audio during calls, video conferences, and other activities.

AirPods Mic Not Working Windows 10


4. Disconnect And Reconnect Airpods

If you find that your AirPods mic is not working on Windows 10, one simple solution is to disconnect and reconnect your AirPods. This can help resolve any connectivity issues that may be causing the problem. To disconnect and reconnect your AirPods, follow the steps below:

Remove AirPods from Bluetooth Devices List

  1. Right-click on the Bluetooth icon in the system tray at the bottom right corner of your screen.
  2. Select “Open Settings” from the context menu.
  3. In the Settings window, click on “Devices.”
  4. Under the “Audio” section, you will find a list of connected devices.
  5. Select your AirPods from the list and click on “Remove Device.”
  6. Confirm the removal by clicking “Yes.”

Pair and Connect AirPods Again

After removing your AirPods from the Bluetooth devices list, you will need to pair and connect them again. Follow these steps:

  1. Make sure your AirPods are in their case and the lid is open.
  2. Press and hold the button on the back of the case until the LED light on the front starts blinking white.
  3. Open the Bluetooth settings on your Windows 10 computer.
  4. Click on “Add Bluetooth or other device.”
  5. Choose “Bluetooth” from the options.
  6. In the list of available devices, select your AirPods.
  7. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the pairing process.

Once your AirPods are paired and connected again, check if the microphone is working properly. Test it by making a call or using a voice recording application. Hopefully, this simple troubleshooting step will fix the issue and you’ll be able to enjoy clear and crisp audio during your calls and recordings.

5. Reset Airpods

If your AirPods microphone is not working on Windows 10, you may need to reset your AirPods. This can help resolve any software issues that might be causing the problem. Follow the steps below to reset your AirPods:

Open Bluetooth Settings on Windows 10

  1. Click on the Windows Start button and select Settings.
  2. In the Settings menu, click on Devices.
  3. Click on Bluetooth & other devices.
  4. Make sure the Bluetooth toggle is turned on.

Remove AirPods from Paired Devices and Reset

In order to reset your AirPods, you will need to remove them from the list of paired devices on your Windows 10 computer. Follow these steps:

  1. Go back to the Bluetooth & other devices menu in Settings.
  2. Under the “Audio” section, you should see a list of devices.
  3. Locate your AirPods and click on the “Remove device” button next to them.
  4. Once your AirPods are successfully removed, put them back in the case and close the lid.
  5. Wait for about 30 seconds, then open the lid of the AirPods case.
  6. Press and hold the setup button on the back of the case until the LED light on the front starts flashing white.
  7. Reconnect your AirPods to your Windows 10 computer.

After resetting your AirPods, check if the microphone is working properly on Windows 10. If the issue persists, you may need to troubleshoot further or contact Apple support for assistance.

By following these steps to reset your AirPods, you can potentially resolve any microphone issues you are experiencing on Windows 10. Remember to keep your AirPods and other devices updated with the latest firmware and drivers to ensure optimal performance.

6. Test Airpods Microphone On Other Devices

One of the troubleshooting steps you can take when your AirPods microphone is not working on Windows 10 is to test it on other devices. This will help you determine if the issue is with your AirPods or with your computer. Follow these steps to test the microphone on different devices:

Connect AirPods to Different Devices (e.g., Phone, Tablet)

The first step is to connect your AirPods to a different device, such as your phone or tablet. This will allow you to see if the microphone works properly on other devices. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Open the Bluetooth settings on your phone or tablet.
  2. Put your AirPods in pairing mode by pressing and holding the setup button on the back of the AirPods case until the LED light starts flashing white.
  3. Select your AirPods from the list of available devices to connect them to your phone or tablet.

Once your AirPods are connected to the other device, proceed to the next step to check if the microphone works properly.

Check if Microphone Works Properly on Other Devices

Now that your AirPods are connected to a different device, it’s time to test the microphone. Follow these steps to ensure the microphone works properly on other devices:

  1. Open a voice recording app on your phone or tablet.
  2. Start a new recording and speak into your AirPods microphone.
  3. After recording a few seconds of audio, play it back to listen for any issues with the microphone.

If the microphone works fine on other devices, then the issue might be with your Windows 10 computer. However, if the microphone still doesn’t work properly on other devices, there might be a problem with your AirPods, and you may need to consider contacting Apple Support for further assistance.

Testing your AirPods microphone on different devices can help narrow down the cause of the issue and guide you towards a solution. By eliminating the possibility of a faulty microphone and confirming its functionality on other devices, you can focus on troubleshooting your Windows 10 computer and resolving the problem.


7. Update Windows 10

To resolve the issue of AirPods mic not working on Windows 10, one of the first steps you should take is to update your Windows operating system. Updating Windows 10 ensures that you have the latest software and drivers installed, which can often fix compatibility issues with various external devices, including AirPods.

Check for Windows 10 Updates

In order to check for Windows 10 updates, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the Start button in the bottom left corner of your screen.
  2. Select Settings from the menu that appears.
  3. In the Windows Settings window, click on Update & Security.
  4. On the left-hand side, click on Windows Update to open the update section.
  5. Click on the Check for updates button and wait for Windows to search for available updates.

Install any Available Updates

If Windows 10 finds any available updates, follow these steps to install them:

  1. Click on the Download and install button next to the updates found.
  2. Wait for Windows to download and install the updates. This may take some time depending on the size and number of updates.
  3. Once the updates are installed, restart your computer to apply the changes.

Updating Windows 10 can often resolve various software and driver issues, including problems with the AirPods microphone not working. By ensuring that your operating system is up to date, you can improve the compatibility and functionality of your AirPods when using them with Windows 10.

If updating Windows 10 doesn’t solve the problem, there may be other troubleshooting steps that you can try to fix the issue. However, updating your operating system should be one of the first steps to take, as it is a simple and effective solution that can potentially resolve the problem without much hassle.

8. Contact Apple Support

If you’ve tried all the troubleshooting steps above and your AirPods microphone is still not working on Windows 10, it may be time to reach out to Apple Support for further assistance. Apple Support is dedicated to helping users with any issues they may be experiencing with their Apple devices, including AirPods.

Visit Apple Support Website for Troubleshooting Assistance

The first step you can take is to visit the official Apple Support website. Here, you can find a wealth of troubleshooting articles, guides, and FAQs specifically related to AirPods and Windows 10. The website is user-friendly and easy to navigate, ensuring that you can quickly find the information you need to resolve the microphone issue.

Contact Apple Support for Further Help

If you’re unable to find a solution on the Apple Support website or if you prefer to seek personalized assistance, you can directly contact Apple Support. They have a dedicated team of experts who are knowledgeable about AirPods and can provide you with step-by-step instructions or further troubleshooting methods.

When contacting Apple Support, make sure to provide them with detailed information about the issue you’re facing. This includes any specific error messages or behavior you’ve noticed with your AirPods microphone on Windows 10. The more information you can provide, the better equipped they will be to assist you in resolving the problem.

To get in touch with Apple Support, you have several options:

  1. You can call their toll-free number at 1-800-275-2273 to speak directly with a representative.
  2. Alternatively, you can schedule a callback from Apple Support by visiting their website and requesting assistance.
  3. If you prefer written communication, you can also start a live chat session with an Apple Support representative through their website.

Remember, Apple Support is there to help you get the most out of your AirPods experience on Windows 10. Don’t hesitate to reach out to them for further assistance.

Frequently Asked Questions For Airpods Mic Not Working Windows 10

Why Are My Airpods Not Using The Microphone On Windows 10?

The AirPods microphone on Windows 10 may not be working due to dirt in the microphone holes, incorrect settings, or minor bugs. It can also be caused by outdated or broken Bluetooth drivers. To fix it, update your drivers and check the microphone settings.

How Do I Get My Airpods Mic To Work On My Pc?

To get your AirPods mic to work on your PC, make sure the settings are correct and the drivers are updated.

Why Are My Airpods Not Working As A Mic?

Possible short answer: Dirt in the microphone holes, incorrect settings, and bugs can cause AirPods to not work as a mic.

Why Does My Airpod Mic Not Work On Zoom?

There are certain reasons why your AirPod mic might not work on Zoom. This could be due to dirt inside the microphone holes, incorrect settings, or minor bugs. Additionally, other factors can also cause microphone malfunction. To fix this issue, you can try changing the microphone settings or using a different AirPod as a mic.


To fix the issue of AirPods mic not working on Windows 10, it is important to troubleshoot and identify the cause. Dirt inside the microphone holes, incorrectly configured settings, outdated Bluetooth driver, or minor bugs can all lead to this problem.

It is recommended to check the settings of the AirPods and make sure the microphone is set to left, right, or automatic. Additionally, changing which AirPod is being used as a mic can help isolate the issue. Updating Windows, drivers, and firmware of the AirPods can also resolve any software-related problems.

If the issue persists, it may be beneficial to turn off noise cancellation and configure the audio settings specifically for the AirPods. Overall, troubleshooting the AirPods mic not working issue on Windows 10 requires checking the settings, updating drivers and firmware, and ensuring proper configuration.

By following these steps, you should be able to resolve the problem and have your AirPods functioning properly as a microphone on Windows 10.